is a post apocalyptic survival adventure game that takes
place right here in Tidewater Virginia.
The next ZOMBIE WARs will take place at Hunt Club Farm in Virginia Beach, on Saturday,
September 24, 2016 from 4pm to 9pm.
The residents of Tidewater have become infected with a zombie virus and have been hiding out in the woods around Hunt Club Farm. This is just the beginning. Your mission, if you're brave and daring enough to take it... is to make your way through the world of zombies and bring back a cure for the zombie virus. Your objective is to make it through all 3 safety areas and back to the home base where the zombie war party will take place. That is, if you make it back… there will be a victory celebration with live music and celebratory food and beverages for purchase.
You may have some hard choices, but these are desperate times and difficult choices will have to be made. Be a hero and leader of your party, search for extra life bracelets, have your chance to actually kill zombies and avenge of the demise of your loved ones.
It’s an unknown infection and information of this event will be supplied on a need to know basis. You are on the front lines and hopefully can help cure this outbreak before the wounds start to fester.
Can you survive?